What is happening to Sickness Benefits?

Canada’s federal government committed to improving the current EI program in the 2021 budget. For many years, there have been proposals to change EI. The COVID-19 epidemic underscored the need for a change in policy even more. They have announced that the EI Sickness Benefits will be extended from 15 to 26 weeks beginning in 2022. This means an authorized absence may be prolonged up to a full 26 weeks under the modified program, which should take effect later in 2022.

Does this affect the PRP (Premium Reduction Program)?

EI has a Premium Reduction Program for plan sponsors that provide private short-term benefits to their workers (PRP). As an incentive to manage absences outside of EI, the PRP offers sponsors and employees a premium reduction.

There are currently planning consultations to improve the PRP for Plan Sponsors. These discussions will continue indefinitely. If you are already receiving the PRP, you will be able to continue doing so after the EI modifications take effect in late 2018.

Sickness Benefits in Regina

How can robust disability benefits help your company?

A short-term sickness benefits plan is an excellent way for your organization to manage absences and be more effective. 

If you don’t have a program like this in place, you should seriously consider getting one – or keeping your current program if you already have one. Here are some of the reasons why:

  • Members of the Plan receive direct and frequent contact with a Case Manager as soon as three days after their absence begins. Case Managers provide essential assistance throughout this difficult time.
  • Claim Managers stay in touch with Plan Sponsors to keep them informed on claim status and possible recovery options.
  • The objective of a short-term absence is to help people manage both medical and non-medical concerns that lead to workplace absences while also obtaining return-to-work accommodations as soon as possible. This helps to minimize the amount of time someone is absent from work.
  • Our plan members have access to early intervention tools and our internal rehabilitation specialist team in order to encourage the earliest and best possible outcome.
  • At every stage of the claim, case managers have access to medical professionals and mental health specialists to ensure accurate understanding and appropriate treatment outcomes.
  • If you’ll be absent for an extended period of time, we can help transition you to Long Term Disability (LTD). Your claim is twice as likely to be approved if you first receive Short Term benefits.
  • Short Term benefit programs may help Members on LTD stay in work for a longer period of time, with a 20% reduction in claim duration when they manage the absence during the LTD qualifying period.

Core Benefits, group benefits in Regina

Contact Us

If you have any questions regarding sickness benefits or if you want to learn more about employees and Sickness Benefits, please feel free to contact us. We have a team of experts that are ready to help you understand how it works and how it can be beneficial for you.

November 25, 2022