March 13, 2020

COVID-19 Employee Update

 If you are an employee, here is an update on the COVID-19 pandemic, and how you can be protected. 

Step 1:

Do not panic.  Do not buy a lifetime supply of toilet paper. Just be prepared and aware.  Try not to worry too much, if you are not truly at risk.


Step 2: Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus


  1. Wash your hands for 20-30 seconds in warm water
  2. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
  3. Don’t Shake Hands – limit physical contact with others
  4. Disinfect high-touch surfaces frequently 

Step 3:  What If You Think You’re Sick?

  • Contact your health-care professional by phone. Avoid going to a clinic or health center without calling first.  This is necessary to reduce the spread of the disease.
  • Advise your manager and/or HR personnel that you are at risk.
  • Stay home and avoid contact with other people.



Step 4:  Managing Time Away from Work

If you have Short-Term Disability, consider including this:

  • You have coverage for short-term disability for illness and injury coverage. This plan offers an X-day waiting period for illness claims. COVID-19 is an eligible illness, however, there are a few different ways in which the claim can be covered.
  • To start, it is important to know there are 2 types of quarantines:
    • medically required,
    • and self-imposed
  • If you have been told by a healthcare professional to quarantine yourself for a period of time, this is considered a ‘medically required’ quarantine, and your sick leave will be covered for the first 14 days. Coverage beyond 14 days will require additional medical underwriting.
  • If you decide you need to self-quarantine, based on your own concerns – you will be required to serve the X-day waiting period on your plan. During that time, if you test positive, you will be covered back to the first date of your absence.   If your test is negative, you would not have an eligible claim.

If you do not have Short-Term Disability, you will want to consider how you will handle these leaves (ie: staff using vacation, paid sick days, or applying for EI, which has a 1 week waiting period). We can help you with messaging if you require support.


Additional Information

  • The current risk to the general population remains low.
  • If you have questions or concerns, call the HealthLine 811 for assistance.
  • Saskatchewan will be setting up COVID-19 test sites in Regina and Saskatoon.
  • Stay aware of the current situation, but fact check the information you receive.
  • If you travel to affected areas, Saskatchewan Health Authority is recommending a 14-day self-imposed quarantine.
  • More information is available at

